How can Social Media Influence Your British Consumers?

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Social media exerts a significant impact on consumer behaviour and decision-making processes. According to Forbes, 80% of consumers make buying decisions based on social media posts from friends. Social media has transformed the way people interact with brands, research products, and make purchase choices. As the number of platforms and users continues to grow, businesses are increasingly harnessing these channels to engage their target audience and promote their products or services. To drive sales and foster relationships with their audience, businesses must comprehend how to leverage these platforms effectively. It is therefore crucial for your business to establish an active presence on social media channels to facilitate growth in the UK. Here are some ways in which social media influences consumer behaviour:

Product Discovery

Social media serves as a potent tool for product discovery. Consumers can easily explore and stumble upon products through various social media platforms. This encompasses both organic posts from friends, family, and influencers, as well as paid advertisements from businesses. By creating a social media presence for your business and showcasing your products online, you can pique curiosity and potentially engage a broader audience. Most social media platforms offer robust advertising tools that enable precise targeting based on interests, demographics, and behaviour. This ensures that your marketing messages reach the right individuals, thereby enhancing the likelihood of converting them into customers. A prime example of a viral social media campaign is Apple’s introduction of the #ShotOniPhone hashtag on Instagram in March 2015. The campaign encouraged iPhone users to share their best photos on social media platforms, ultimately resulting in over 27.7 million posts by March 2023.

Influencer Marketing

Influencers, individuals on social media with substantial followings and influence over their audience, play a pivotal role in product discovery. Once an influencer discovers your product or service, gaining recognition within their multitude of posts becomes feasible. Collaborations with these influencers can leverage their audience to drive subsequent sales.

To optimise influencer marketing for your business, consider the following steps:

  • Define your goals: Clearly establish the objectives of your influencer marketing campaign, such as boosting sales, enhancing brand awareness, or driving website traffic. This delineation aids in selecting appropriate influencers and gauging the campaign’s success.
    Identify your target audience: Pinpoint the demographic you aim to reach with your campaign. This guides the selection of influencers whose following aligns with your target audience.
  • Find influencers: Research and identify influencers whose audience and values align with your brand. Utilise influencer discovery tools, social media platforms, or collaborate with an influencer marketing agency.
  • Reach out to influencers: Initiate contact with potential influencers by presenting a clear proposal outlining campaign goals, budget, and expectations.
  • Craft a campaign strategy: Collaborate with influencers to devise a campaign strategy congruent with your goals and aligned with their brand and style. This may encompass sponsored posts, giveaways, or product reviews.
    For assistance in identifying suitable influencers, consider using a tool like Julius, which allows you to search for influencers based on desired categories, such as city or interests, providing their follower count and engagement levels.

Social Proof

Social media platforms offer consumers social proof, substantiating the use and satisfaction of a product. This validation can influence consumers to make purchases, as they perceive the product to be more credible and reliable. Social proof is a marketing technique that demonstrates the value of an offering through data from previous claimants. Testimonials, purchase counters, celebrity endorsements, and expert recommendations exemplify social proof methods.

This can encompass various forms:

  • Expert social proof: When an industry expert endorses your products or services. Examples include expert tweets or participation in Twitter chats.
  • Celebrity social proof: Celebrity endorsements of your products, as seen in Instagram posts or tweets.
  • User social proof: Recommendations from current customers based on their interactions with your brand, such as positive social media comments and review site ratings.
  • Wisdom of the crowd: Demonstrated support from a large number of people, such as amassing numerous customers or followers on social media.
  • Wisdom of friends: Approval from friends, observed when friends use your product or follow your social media profiles.
  • Certification: Approval from authoritative figures in your field, exemplified by blue checkmarks on platforms like Twitter and Facebook.

Customer Service

Social media platforms offer consumers direct access to businesses, facilitating rapid and convenient inquiry and customer support. This can enhance customer satisfaction and loyalty. Given the prevalence of customer communication on social media, utilising these platforms for customer service is a strategic choice. Addressing customer concerns promptly and efficiently through social media communication aids in cultivating a loyal customer base. Notably, numerous major companies and airlines employ Twitter as a customer service channel, enhancing accessibility and transparency to build trust. Moreover, utilising social media for customer service is cost-effective, as it necessitates minimal investment in infrastructure or staffing.

Valuable Consumer Insights through social media listening

Social media analytics furnish data on the performance of your profiles and posts. Metrics like engagement, reach, and follower growth enable assessment of content resonance with your audience, allowing for strategy adjustments. By tracking hashtags and keywords, you can identify emerging trends and modify your approach to capitalise on them. These insights not only help you stay abreast of current trends but also enable monitoring of your brand’s reputation through sentiment analysis and mention tracking. This practice, known as social media listening, empowers you to address negative comments or feedback and refine your brand image.


Maintaining an active social media presence is imperative for businesses in today’s digital landscape. This presence fosters customer connection, brand development, and, ultimately, revenue generation. By harnessing the influence of social media, businesses can remain competitive and flourish in the digital era. Businesses have recognised the immense potential of these platforms for reaching their target audience, heightening brand awareness, and engaging customers. Social media channels serve as platforms for showcasing products or services, using images and videos to provide potential customers with insight into the brand’s offerings, thereby driving website traffic and boosting sales. Additionally, social media proves to be a potent marketing and advertising tool, facilitating precise demographic targeting and campaign success tracking. Engaging content creation and targeted advertisements enable outreach to new customers, expanding the customer base. For guidance in developing your social media presence, operviser is eager to assist!

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